"Well I can safely say I had the best day! A total eye-opener and I have come away with lots of ideas and reflections.
You reminded me of why I teach and why I became a teacher. Somewhere in the last few months I feel I have become lost in schemes and lost that unique spark that makes me, me. My passion has been reignited and I think I may be back in love with teaching."
Jemma S
Class Teacher
23rd Jan
Join Nicola Powell for a fabulous training day, using high quality texts (fiction, non-fiction and poetry), and exploring how to create engaging, creative learning opportunities. The day will be very ‘hands on’, focussing on whole-class and group strategies, including activity ideas to improve ‘guided reading’ – giving you the tools to use in your own teaching, and to pass on to colleagues back at school. There will be strategies to challenge the more confident reader while also adapting learning for all in the class. Experience how the effective teaching of reading feeds writing!
(Nicola Powell worked as part of the English Advisory Team for West Sussex County Council for 10 years, developing inspiring, active, effective approaches to teaching listening, speaking, reading and writing. She is the founder and lead consultant of Primary Matters Education Consultancy.)
Who is the training for?
Subject Leaders or Class Teachers of Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6
Thursday 23rd January 2025
Southway Primary School, Bognor Regis, PO21 5EZ
9am - 3pm
£150 per person (including refreshments and lunch)
27th Feb
Join Vikki Cripps for an inspiring, hands-on workshop, learning how to improve the provision for reading in Nursery, EYFS and Year 1. The training will focus on developing the quality of the teaching of early reading, exploring the use of environment, resourcing and teaching strategies to ‘grow’ confident, enthusiastic readers. The day will give you the tools to use in your own teaching, and to pass on to colleagues back at school.
Experience how the effective teaching of reading feeds writing!
(Vikki Cripps has been an outstanding EYFS practitioner for nearly 30 years, having led Nursery, Reception and KS1 provision for many of those. She is currently head of an outstanding EYFS setting in West Sussex.)
Who is the training for?
Subject Leaders or Class Teachers of Nursery, Reception and Y1
Thursday 27th February 2025
Boundstone Nursery, Lancing, BN15 9QX
9am - 3pm
£150 per person (including refreshments and lunch)
“Thank you so much for your time. I really enjoyed the course and found it very helpful indeed!”
Alex L
Class Teacher
“I felt the course was really easy to understand and it was structured and resourced in a way that will help me plan more engaging lessons for my class.”
Joe S
Class Teacher
“I feel that I have really benefitted from participating in this course. It has given me lots of ideas that I look forward to implementing in my practice. I will use the techniques that we have discussed to inspire a love of writing in my classroom!”
Harry J
Class Teacher
A fabulous day of CPD, developing our understanding of what contributes to good quality teaching and learning in the primary classroom.
Attendies will learn:
Who is the training for?
Classroom Teachers and Learning Support Staff
New dates coming soon - click here to be alerted
Easebourne C.E. Primary School, Midhurst, GU29 9AG or
Southway Primary School, Bognor Regis, PO21 5EZ
Arrive 9am for coffee
9:30 start – 2:30pm
£150 per person (including refreshments)
A day of superb CPD, to further understand how children learn to write, and how they continue to develop as writers.
Attendies will learn:
Who is the training for?
Classroom Teachers and Learning Support Staff
New dates coming soon - click here to be alerted
Easebourne C.E. Primary School, Midhurst, GU29 9AG or
Southway Primary School, Bognor Regis, PO21 5EZ
Arrive 9am for coffee
9:30 start – 2:30pm
£150 per person (including refreshments)
A excellent day's training, aimed at staff who are new to leadership or are developing their leadership skills.
Attendies will learn:
Consider what qualities a leader needs in order to be most effective
Be more aware of the impact of our leadership on others
Gather further expertise in leading within school
Understand our roles and responsibilities as school leaders
Learn strategies to scaffold and support school improvement
Who is the training for?
Subject Leaders, Middle Leaders and Senior Leaders
New dates coming soon - click here to be alerted
Easebourne C.E. Primary School, Midhurst, GU29 9AG or
Southway Primary School, Bognor Regis, PO21 5EZ
Arrive 9am for coffee
9:30 start – 2:30pm
£150 per person (including refreshments)
A 'hands on' day of CPD, to further understand how high-quality Computing can be used in the primary classroom, despite the difficulties we all face with resources and budgets.
Attendies will learn:
To develop our understanding of Computing from EYFS to KS2
To develop our understanding of pedagogy for Computing
To consider how we assess Computing
To reflect on our own practice and experience
To apply Computing skills to a familiar context
To consider Computing in future teaching
Who is the training for?
Subject Leaders, Classroom Teachers and Learning Support Staff
New dates coming soon - click here to be alerted
Southway Primary School, Bognor Regis, PO215EZ
Arrive 9am for coffee
9:30 start – 2:30pm
£150 per person (including refreshments)
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